Monday, August 9, 2010

The Costs

I ordered the contact paper for the soffits and the metal tiles for the backsplash. The total cost, including 10% figured for supplies and such, is just over $1700. Friends came over yesterday and they thought I had real granite counters. They stayed at the house watching the critters, so they know the old look. The new look got their approval!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Ceiling

The kitchen looks so nice now.
I searched for black contact paper to use for the soffits. No one has it, so I'll be doing another online order. I also need to order the metal tiles for the backsplash. But once again, I am so pleased. And I can't believe how ugly the kitchen was before we did this work.
The cost right now is at about $1300. Not bad for a new sink, new counters, new flooring and a new ceiling.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Ceiling Is Done

This is only a part of the ceiling. I am so pleased. Mark, who had a lot of doubts about this idea, is also pleased with how it looks. Next comes the backsplash and the soffits. My internal debate relates to the color for the soffits. Paint is out -- the soffitts have wallpaper and to do them right, I need to use an oil-base primer and oil-base paint. I am leaning towards Contact Paper. But the question is color. The major projects are done. I can wait a bit.